Scream Kings 2019, Day 3
William Katt

October 10, 2019 by Avery Faeth

Our third scream king is William Katt! One of his first starring roles was as Sissy Spacek's unlucky prom date Tommy Ross in "Carrie" (Brian de Palma, 1976). In a movie filled with rotten kids, Tommy is one of the few genuine people in Carrie's life - and if you watch closely, he's the only one she doesn't specifically hurt or have distorted visions of. Poor Tommy. Things go better for his character of Roger Cobb, a veteran-turned-novelist who suspects his aunt's creepy old mansion is connected to his missing son in "House" (Steve Miner, 1985). This wickedly funny horror romp features a wide range of special effects and baddies, but they're no match for the greatest American hero, William Katt.

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